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Our Curriculum

‘I have come that you might have life and live it to the full’ (John 10:10)

The curriculum at our school:

  • Is broad and balanced, it is truly comprehensive and accessible to all students. 
  • Delivers opportunities for students to learn to be successful, to gain useful, transferable skills, whilst also acquiring relevant knowledge.
  • Enables high standards of academic achievement where outcomes empower students to progress to Higher Education, Apprenticeships or employment.
  • Affords opportunities for all students to develop a high level of literacy and numeracy required for success in the wider curriculum and in adult life. 
  • Expands students’ perspectives through a range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural opportunities to promote their sense of moral and social responsibility.
  • Ensures that all students are able to thrive and develop as healthy individuals and good citizens. 
  • Ensures that all students are safe and understand how to stay safe. 
  • Fosters a strength of character, and resilience that will help students to cope with choices and overcome the challenges they are likely to encounter in life. 
  • Provides an appropriate range of opportunities and experiences to inspire students to succeed in the next stage in their education, training or employment. 

Please see subject curriculum areas and the Intent, Implementation and Impact area for additional detail.