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Governing Board


Jan McLucas (Chair)

Jan is Chief Executive and Company Director of a not-for-profit organisation based in Reading. She has worked in a variety of educational roles throughout her career, including 17 years as a secondary school teacher. She is a Community Governor appointed by the Academy Trust members, and her term of office is from 22.3.2022 - 22.3.2026. Jan sits on the Audit & Risk Committee and the Performance, Management and Pay Committee.

John Bolodeoku

John is a Consultant Chemical Pathologist and Pharmaceutical Physician working for private and public in the life sciences sector. He works as a Consultant Physician in the NHS and Senior Lecturer at King's College. He is a medical academic educator and was part of the Healthcare Science Panel involved in setting up the new T-Level qualifications with the Department of Education. John is Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee and sits on the Performance Management and Pay Committee. His term of office is 21.04.2021 – 30.04.2025.

David Howes

David is a retired consultant for a civil and structural engineering company and former local councillor in Maidenhead. He is a Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese. He is Vice-Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee and sits on the Performance Management and Pay Committee. His term of office is from 23.09.2020-23.09.2024.

Heather Kearney

Heather is a Parent Governor elected by the Parent body. Her terms of office are 01.11.2021-01.11.2025. Heather is the Lead Governor for Safeguarding and Joint Lead Governor for CEAIG.

Neil Dimbleby (Headteacher)

Joined Altwood as Headteacher in September 2013. The Headteacher sits on the Governing Board in an Ex-Officio position.

Candice Ringsell (Vice-Chair)

Candice is a Parent Governor elected by the Parent body. Her term of office is 01.11.2021- 01.11.2025.

Louise Griffin

Louise has worked as a charity sector professional for more than 20 years, in both the UK and Northern California where she lived for almost a decade. She is a former chair of an education Board in the san Francisco Bay Area, was a Founding chair of the Institute of Directors Young Directors Forum and a former Board Member of the Institute of Directors in Berkshire. She is a Community Governor appointed by the Academy Trust members, and her term of office is from 26.01.2023 - 25.01.2027.

Helen Wyatt

Helen Wyatt is a Community Governor appointed by the Academy Trust Members and her terms of office are 5.10.23 – 5.10.24.  Helen is the Joint Lead Governor for CEAIG.
